• Produced by Jack Binder

Film Finance Plans

Film Finance Plans For Film and Television Production

A professional film finance plan is a highly valuable asset for obtaining funding for your film or tv production. Film finance plans inform and advise investors about your film or tv series, the elements involved (story, team, cast, crew) and the detailed financials backing and substantiating the investment.

FilmBudget.com creates professional finance plans by 25 year veteran Major Hollywood Studio, indie film, and tv Producer Jack Binder ‘First Reformed’ Ethan Hawke, A24, ‘The Upside of Anger’ Kevin Costner, New Line Cinema, ‘Reign Over Me’ Adam Sandler, Columbia Pictures. A highly detailed film finance business plan custom created for you, for investors, film finance, distributors, international sales agents, completion bond, and film tax credits, for your film or tv production.

film budget for film finance movie stars and posters of films by producer Jack Binder
Produced by Jack Binder | FilmBudget.com Founder

FilmBudget.com creates custom finance plans designed for investment in your feature film or tv series production. Using 25 years in the film and television industry as a Major Hollywood Studio and Independent Film Producer as well as a financier and investor ourselves, we understand the requirements of film financiers, distribution, banks, financial institutions and investors.

Film finance plans created by producer Jack Binder logo of his filmbudget.com company.
FilmBudget.com Worldwide The Film Budget Company

Who Needs Film Finance Plans?

Filmmakers need a film finance plans to enable investment in their productions. Proper financial planning documents allow potential investors to understand your business model, and how they will recoup their investment.

Also known as a film finance business plan, or a film business plan, a business plan is a document that investors are accustomed to reviewing. Film financiers expect a filmmaker to have a roadmap for the finance, the production, distribution, and recoupment of investment.

What Information is Included in a Film Finance Plan?

Film finance planning created by Jack Binder contain a detailed and well organized description of all the important elements involved in the business model for the execution of a film production. Investors are very accustomed to reading business plans and know what to look for as indicators of a solid model in which their investment would be worthy of their funding.

The Key Elements of a Film Finance Plan:

  • An introduction to the premise of the production
  • Table of Contents
  • Executive Summary:
  • The Company which will be responsible for the production
  • The Production which requires the funding
  • The Team which will execute the plan
  • The Cast that will be involved in the movie
  • Plan of Distribution for the completed film
  • How the investors will recoup their investment
  • What is the current status of the market?
  • Details of the industry
  • Revenue projections to substantiate the financing
  • Recoupment Plan & Recoupment Schedule
  • Financial information relevant to the business plan
  • Additional supporting documentation utilized in the projections
  • Disclaimers as necessary


 film finance plans film budget studio clients

What is the FilmBudget.com Advantage

All movie business plans created by Film Budget Inc. contain highly detailed creative and financial analysis of your film production. All finance business plans are created by the founder of FilmBudget.com, Producer Jack Binder. Binder is a seasoned veteran financier, executive producer, producer, line producer and Directors Guild of America Unit Production Manager (DGA UPM). Jack’s Credits can be found here.

How Do I Begin?

Get in contact with us via our Contact Page

We provide a free consultation to discuss your movie or television production. In conjunction with our core film budget services we can create a custom film budget and schedule package for you, or use one that you have already created. Our film budgets are detailed, accurate and proven with 25 years producing for the major studios, mini-major and indie film companies, worldwide. All of our budgeting services are finance and camera ready, meaning they are of exceptional detail and accuracy.

Please visit our Services page for full details and information on what our film budget and schedule packages contain. Click Here

We look forward to assisting you with an exceptionally well detailed film finance business plan which will allow your investors to understand the financials and intentions of your film production as relates to their financing and return of investment.

Visit our Home Page for additional information on our services which we provide to fellow filmmakers.

For more information on film financing have a look at the attached article:

“Producers, distributors and financiers are the primary players in US film finance”

Thank you and Good luck with your filmmaking goals!

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