• Produced by Jack Binder

Film Budget Inc. | Distribution For Indie Films

Distribution For Indie Films

Distribution for indie films is now available for filmmakers with the help of FilmBudget.com.  We have partnered with Major Foreign (International) Sales Agents to offer distribution for independent feature films for our clients. Distribution is considered for completed or near complete movie productions.

independent film distributors
FilmBudget.com offers distribution for indie films via top foreign sales agency

Indie Film Distributors and Foreign Sales Agents

Partnered with FilmBudget.com our major, top flight international sales agency has a long and established history. While we are not permitted to say which company, our clients will have internal level access to our distribution and sales team directly.

Films in Post Production  & Film Festivals

We are accepting for consideration indie films in post production or in the film festival circuit. Filmmakers with a movie “in the can”, or close, looking for a distributor are encouraged to contact us via the filmbudget.com website Contact Page.

What Types of Films Are Considered?

We will consider finished or near complete feature films in various genres and are not highly specific on type of films. Generally considered classifications for filmmakers are:

  • action
  • adventure
  • thrillers
  • horror
  • drama
  • comedy
  • documentary features
  • children’s movies
  • faith-based films
  • science fiction (sci-fi)
  • sports
  • biographies
  • and others
Film Budget Producer Jack Binder Producer Credits

Cast Considerations & Requirements

Name cast is the preferred level of talent we are primarily looking at. However, based upon the genre (Horror, for example) talent in the film required might be evaluated based upon other prevailing factors of the film. These factors include story, screenplay, style, marketing value and unique vision.

Additional Factors Considered in Evaluating a Movie

The predominant factor to financing, producing, directing, selling, licensing and distributing a motion picture is to make a great film! Movies with an outstanding screenplay, incredibly directed & produced can overcome a shortfall in the Name Cast requirements of distributing independent films, of course. Although this is the exception rather than the rule, great films can subvert the catch-22 of cast & feature film distribution.

Contact Us for more information

FilmBudget.com Founder Jack Binder Producer Credits

Learn more about filmbudget.com film budget & schedule packages. All of our budgets are finance & production ready using our 25 years of producing knowledge and experience.

Our Movie Budget Review & Vetting Services welcome filmmakers whom have begun or completed their own budgeting to obtain professional verification, vetting, review, comments and updating for you.

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