• Produced by Jack Binder

Why it is Critical to Obtain a Professional Film Budget

Why it is Critical to Obtain a Professional Film Budget

Your movie budget is a reflection on you, the filmmaker and your team. A professional film budget is critical to obtaining film finance, production and distribution for your film. So, why is it critical to obtain a film budget?

In the world of film finance and movie production the figures are more significant then ever. The details and reliability of the calculations created in your movie budget by a veteran line producer are critical to the success of the film you are setting out to make.

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FilmBudget.com Worldwide

The Impact of the Accuracy of Your Film Budget on Film Finance

What is often not appreciated is the compounding nature of those numbers, which can lead to the financing elements of your movie or tv series significantly in inaccurate. This can cause substantial problems in the film finance of the picture or television show. Contact FilmBudget.com

As the basis for the funding equation which goes into the packaging of the equity, pre-sales, debt and gap financing elements to finance your film, your movie budget is enormously important in that it be accurate and all inclusive.

First Reformed movie poster
First Reformed Starring Ethan Hawke Produced by Jack Binder

The Line Producer’s Qualifications Has an Impact on Your Budget

Likewise the quality of the line producer’s credentials, associations and experience a filmmaker chooses to engage to create their budget lends significant value to your film stature, finance plan and the funding package overall. Producer Jack Binder is also a line producer, executive producer, and DGA UPM.

The importance of having a film budget and schedule created for your screenplay for potential buyers is widely known and accepted in sophisticated film finance circles. So much so, that it is the first question asked when a project is submitted: “can you send us your budget?”

FilmBudget.com is the international leader in worldwide film budget and schedule production services, and creates accurate and proven film budgets for filmmakers. Get in touch for a free consultation.

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FilmBudget.com Worldwide The Film Budget Company

What Are the Benefits of Providing a Film Budget for Financiers?

The benefits leading to your script being picked up by someone, which you have invested to have budgeted and scheduled, and the advantages, are numerous. For one, putting forth the effort to create a film budget and shooting schedule for your film production immediately sets your script ahead of the ones whom have not taken this key step.

Financiers and investors are accustomed to reviewing project documentation. This preparation sets you ahead of the crowd. This is a key reason why it is critical to obtain a film budget. Investors need it to fund production.

Knowing the cost of producing a film is critical to obtaining financing and distribution. Being able to articulate to an interested party how much funding will be required to produce a film enables them to make multiple decisions which they would not necessarily be bothered nor able to entertain with a screenplay alone, for which one presumes they might receive literally thousands.

Gone are the days where a production company will do this work for a production in advance of a full commitment. More and more, the responsibility of these efforts are put onto individual producers and production teams.

Additionally, this effort and resourcefulness demonstrates initiative on the part of the writer/producer/director to ascertain the fundamental fact of the film production: the cost to produce the film.

Knowing the Cost of Production, Filming Location & Film Tax Credits Available is Why it is Critical to Obtain a Film Budget

Further to this point, knowing the cost of the film production overall and where it will be shot, aids in determining what film tax incentive amount the filmmakers might expect to receive from local government institutions, funds, grants, etc. Knowing the budget of the film enables a buyer to be able anticipate what type of foreign sales (advances) they might be able to expect as well.

This all leads to potential purchasers to able to figure what amount of equity, or hard cash, will then be required on their part, or their financiers, to proceed to produce the film, and most importantly, if it indeed fits into their business model.

How Do You Stand Out in a World of Thousands of Film Project Submission? Again, Why it is Critical to Obtain a Film Budget.

Knowing your true cost of production sets you and your film apart from others submitting only a screenplay, leaving as only a guesstimate what it will cost, as opposed to those whom have made the effort to enable the key factors required to make an informed decision. It also conveys your commitment to getting the film made and willingness to  have an understanding of the process of filmmaking, for the budget and schedule is the roadmap to the production and expenditure.

A Film Budget & Schedule is a Reflection on You and Your Team

It is a reflection upon you and your team that you have undertaken to understand how the film will be made by having a professional film budget and schedule created for you by a veteran line producer, for what you will then have, a package, not just a screenplay, to present and they, to investors and financiers.

Contact FilmBudget.com to obtain an immediate quote on our services, which include a finance and camera ready film budget and schedule package, film finance plans and film tax credit analysis and production consulting.

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Produced by Jack Binder | FilmBudget.com Worldwide

About Jack Binder

Jack Binder is a film producer, line producer & DGA unit production manager working for The Walt Disney Company, Columbia Pictures, Lionsgate, New Line Cinema, HBO, Showtime & more. Produced by Jack Binder 'First Reformed', 'The Upside of Anger', 'Reign Over Me', 'Man About Town', The Search For John Gissing', 'Londinium', Indian Summer...
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